Tekoa Golf Course

Tekoa Golf Course - Golf Washington

 Holes: 9


Phone: 509-284-5607

GW Notes:  I’ve not played Tekoa Golf Course and information is sparse. I’m afraid you are all on your own for this one. The photos look ok (it appears to play through the wheat fields of the Palouse) and since there are few other options in the area, it’s likely worth a visit. If you’ve played Tekoa GC, please share your comments below.




John Fredenburg
11 months ago
I love the Tekoa golf course and play it several times per year. There is a drop box to deposit you $20 dollar greens fee. The best times are spring and early summer as later in the summer the fairways do begin to deteriorate slightly. There is a small dedicated crew that work to keep this golf course looking good and operational.
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