Nile Shrine Golf Course
Holes: 18
Phone: 425-774-9611
GW Notes: I've I haven’t played Nile Shrine Golf Course so I’m no help – The website boasts the following: “Nile Shrine Golf Course is a full-service facility that is open to the public. We offer 9 and 18-hole green fees, golf carts, early-bird rates, junior and senior offers, and are available to host tournaments, picnics, and more formal events if you wish. The grounds are meticulously maintained by our groundskeeper, Peter Echols and his crew. Every morning they are out there ensuring you have a pleasant day of golf.“ I can’t confirm or deny their statements, but the photos look ok, its location is convenient, and the rates are easy on the wallet. If you’ve played Nile Shrine GC, please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.